Monday, July 16, 2012

Gotcha Day!

WOW what a day of emotions!  Words cannot describe the emotions that we were feeling. We were so busy that we didn't get a lot of pictures, but one of our travel mates did and will be sharing with us later.  Everything happened so fast that we did not have time to pass our cameras to anyone.

Below is a picture of our group right before we went to pick up our girls.  Veronica our guide is the third person from the right.  She is absolutely wonderful and so good with the children.


  1. So happy for you and happy to hear that things are going so well for you. What a sweet baby girl! Can't wait to watch the rest of your story unfold.

    I wanted to let you know... I have several cleft bottles, many that are still new if you would like me to send them to you I would be more than happy to do so.

    Enjoy your new beautiful baby girl! God is great!

    Tears of joy for all three of you,

  2. Oh my goodness!! How sweet is that angel! So very happy for you all. She is a very lucky girl to have her "forever parents". Remembering those days and the joy, excitement, unknown, anxiety, etc. that we were feeling. Praying and sending hugs to all 3 of you!! Kimberly
